Wednesday, October 26, 2011

first +-

Today in Lakewood, Colorado we've been fucked. It's literally been snowing all day for the first time this school year. Of course twigs still are wearing skirts and shorts to look "cute" everyone else is bundled up with their thickest skate shoes on with pea-coats and hoodies. Talk of snowboarding as soon as school ends whistles the hallways. I snowboard but I don't glorify it as much as some kids do, they treat it like it's some kind of drug. it's a good time but it's not that great. go jump a bridge on that neversummer and we'll see how gnarly the slopes are then. (i have a neversummer board & longboard and it also happens to be pretty gnarly btw :)
anyways. my reason for starting this blog is simply because 
I'm bored
my boyfriend recently moved to B.F.E, Colorado [we're still going strong so it's not too bad & I see him every couple of weekends or so]
my friends, on an honest note - are slackers and do whatever the fuck they want but lately they've been kind of drifting [like they don't even know i exist] ... so I need someone to talk to.  So here's to the first (wine glass clinks) 
here's to the loneliest 