Thursday, November 17, 2011


So my boyfriends birthday is tomorrow. I know what your thinking... "another teenager posting blogs about her boyfriends birthday omg LAME" but that's not necessarily what I'm here to talk about. I'm here to consider the following....

Are presents better when their bought or made from the heart??

Now usually I give my boyfriend and loved ones paintings or drawings made by yours truly. Like recently I made my mom a Popsicle stick house for her birthday and she really really liked it =D
And on father's day I made my dad a painting on really fuckin' expensive ass canvas with a charcoal skull on it. In the past I've always made things for presents and usually get a good reaction to them but what I want to know is what people prefer?

This year I've decided to actually buy my boyfriend something for his birthday and have collected about 57 dollars to do so. I've decided to buy him a piece (or a pipe whatever you want to call it) simply because I know he'll use it with a 20 sack included and I also done 2 pieces of artwork for him well 3 so hopefully he'll be impressed this year :) but for the most part I've been wondering. You can't really use art work. You can look at it , hang it around your house and show people "ya, this what my girlfriend got me for my 18th birthday.... okay moving on" and basically that's all you can do with it. I know if someone gave me a piece of artwork I would want more not that I'm greedy but I would want something I could use or something I could wear. Every once in a while for me anyways it's nice to have something just for show but for the most part in only "some" ways I'm a material girl (LAME but it's true with everyone) 
Would you rather have a brand new cell phone ... or a popsicle stick house?

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